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Upcoming Railway Budget: Astrological analysis and prediction

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Wed 3 Feb 2010 4:06:07 PM

S N Rao

The Indian Railways have been a great integrating force for more than 150 years. It has helped improve the economic life of our country and has helped in accelerating the overall development especially transportation, infrastructure, industries and agriculture.

In Mundane Astrology, the 3rd house is looked at for Railways and matters to do with them, traffic system, stocks and shares; telegraph, telephone and postal affairs, locomotives and means of transit, motors, omnibuses, and the like.

In the Republic day chart from my previous article, the 3rd house is Gemini with Uranus in it and lord of 3rd house Mercury, a planet for communication and transportation is favorably placed in Capricorn. In western astrology, Uranus is the planet associated with Railways. This position is auspicious for growth in Indian Railways thereby helping it to become the largest railway network in Asia. 10th House also indicates the Government and matters handled by the government. Mercury placed in the 10th house also shows the importance the government gives for this sector. It is probably the reason why a separate Budget is prepared for Railways.

The Sun being in conjunction to Jupiter and Venus and placed in the 11th house denotes the strong and powerful control of the government over this sector. The Moon ruling the 4th house is exalted in the 1st house and is in sextile aspect with Uranus. This will give utility benefits and good amenities to the common people. The financial condition of the Railways will improve for the Moon is near the cusp of the second house and in sextile aspect to Uranus. Mercury ruling the third house, and placed in the tenth, in trine with Mars, will benefit railways in expanding its network to every part of the country.

The First Train in India chugged at 3:35pm on April 16th, 1853, with 14 railway carriages and 400 guests and left Bombay's Bori Bunder for Thane, with a 21-gun salute. It was hauled by three locomotives: Sindh, Sultan, and Sahib. The journey took an hour and fifteen minutes. On preparing a chart for that day, it is interesting to note that there are 4 planets sun, Venus, mercury and mars in Aries. Uranus in Taurus is also very near to these planets. The Moon is in its own sign, in trine aspect from Jupiter. This chart also shows that it augurs well for the future of Railways.

Budget is due and the Rail Board must be working overtime to present yet another people friendly budget. This is the 1st full year budget from the newly elected government after the previous interim rail budget therefore it is but natural that the initiatives started and announced in the previous budget will be continued further. This year the Rail budget would be presented on the 24th Feb. On looking at the transit on that day we find that Moon is its own sign and again having a trine aspect from Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Sun. Hence it is likely to be a people friendly budget. The interest of the common man would be first priority in this budget. The Trine from Venus could mean additional emphasis on the safety, comfort, catering and other amenities for the common man. I would not be surprised if there is no hike in train fares this year.

Uranus featuring in this trine could mean that special innovations and technology would be looked into and the emphasis on expanding its new technological projects like the metro and mono rail is likely to receive a boost.

Saturn making a square aspect to this moon could indicate hike in freight and transportation charges. It could increase the burden of transportation on the goods ranging from mineral ores, fertilizers and petrochemicals, agricultural produce, iron & steel, multimodal traffic and others.

Priority could be given for upgrading stations, coaches, tracks, services, safety, and security, and streamlining its various software management systems including crew scheduling, freight, and passenger ticketing. There are chances of opening up the Railways to the private sector to build world-class railway stations.

Platform security and security on trains would also be on its important area of focus

To consult astrologer S N Rao, please click here.

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