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Saturn Rise In Scorpio (December 18, 2015) - Predictions For You

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Thu 30 Oct 2014 4:50:42 PM

Saturn is rising in Scorpio on December 18, 2015. Saturn is considered as a malefic planet, but also it is the most misunderstood one. Read the effects of its rise in Scorpio with astrologer 'Acharya Raman'.

The most disliked and also the most misunderstood planet Saturn is going to rise in Scorpio on December 18, 2015. This is a big transit and we can see people are discussing about it everywhere, be it on print, electronic, or social media. Saturn will stay in Scorpio for 2 and half years and then move to Sagittarius on January 22, 2017. The major events happened in India during Saturn transit in Libra were the gigantic rise and pathetic fall of Arvind Kejriwal. BJP coming to power on its own in Lok Sabha. Many politicians, high officials, Babus going to jail and getting caught in trap of law, and so many other things – the list is endless.

So, what to expect next? It is the question in every astrologer’s mind and also in the minds of all the readers of AstroSage. Let me give my point of view about the things that will happen in your lives during this transit. As usual, these predictions are based on ascendant. Those who are going through the Maha Dasha, Antara, or Pratyantara of Saturn will be most affected, also whose running Dasa lord is connected with Saturn in stellar way. Saturn will be transiting in the stars of Jupiter , Saturn and Mercury in this transit. This article is based on ascendant and not on Rashi or sunsign and it is for natives going through the Dasa of Saturn or whose Dasa Antara Pratyantar lord is connected with Saturn in stellar pattern.

  1. Aries : For Arians, this transit may bring losses, delays, and hurdles of all kinds, as Saturn will be in your 8 th house in the star of Jupiter, ruling your 9 th and 12 th houses. Then, it will go in its own star, and rules 10 th and 11 th house and then it will move into star of Mercury, which rules your 3 rd and 6 th house. Thus, when it will be in its own star, that time will be much better than the rest. In the coming two and half years, you may face legal issues, health problems related to liver, kidney, food pipe, acidity, skin and eye problems, hospitalisation, foreign travels, problems in love affair, success after lot of pains, problems to your parents, career enhancement of your father, or loss of mobile-computer or any communication gadget. You may feel that luck has forgotten your address. Those who will run Saturn–Saturn, Saturn- Venus , Saturn- Sun , Moon will not see much bad in this duration, but others will have problems for sure. The best part is that there will be hidden gains also, some of you may develop interest in occult sciences. You may get wealth from in-laws, ancestral properties, some old policies may mature in this time and you may find some of your lost important document or article. Whenever Saturn will be in its own sub, in its own Dasa in transit, it will give you the good news you wanted to hear, as it is the planet ruling your 11 th house.

  2. Taurus : Personal life may feel a setback for a while, there are great chances of having platonic love incidents in this period, which may become the cause of the former. Problems may come initially and you may face defamation also. Love marriages will be celebrated in this time, you will have good communication and goodness in general. You will make new friends and social circles. You may meet some old friends also, in this time. There will be gain of new articles, wealth, etc. Your bank balance will increase. Many of you may face sad endings of love relationships, but many of you will take it to its logical end – Marriage. Saturn is the Badhaka planet for you, so don’t expect fast earnings, just be patient and let things roll on their own. There will be material gains to your father. Health of mother may give trouble. You will become popular and famous in your circle. If you are an astrologer, your prediction may simply fall flat in Saturn star Jupiter sub-period. There is not much related to health, but you should stay careful. Your brother-in-law may become a source of strife for you. Those having Dashas of Saturn-Jupiter, Mercury, Moon will experience a better time than others.

  3. Gemini : Saturn will be traveling in your 6 th house and will rule your 8 th and 9 th house. Jupiter is ruling 10 th and Mercury is the ascendant lord. There will be problems from foes, your luck may not favor you on many occassions, health will be a concern in the time to come. You will have to tackle labor issues in your organisation, your pets may also become a source of harassment. Your maternal uncle will have good times ahead. Work progress will be there and personal life will also remain normal. There will be issues related to immovable property. Your father may go for a job change, which will be better than the previous one. Those who are running Dasha of Saturn– Mars , Sun, Moon, Jupiter will have better experience than others.

  4. Cancer : Saturn will be in your 5 th house. 5 th house is prime house of progeny, wit, meditation, chanting Mantras, speculation, etc. Being the Lord of 8 th house, it may cause delay in aforesaid things and may give losses in speculation. It will be in the star of Jupiter initially, which is transiting in your ascendant. Thus, there will not be much to gain or lose initially. But, when it will enter in its own star and later in the star of Mercury, these two phases will be troublesome in almost every aspect. However, when it will transit in its own star, it will cause trouble in the lives of your parents, luck of your father may not support him, your mother may have financial losses and health will be a factor to be taken care of. Your expenses will increase and there will be many unwanted delays and denials too in this transit. Those who are thinking to get married or are waiting for the result of their efforts may face last moment delays. Decrease in the financial stature is possible and your mind may remain full of confusions. In its own star, it will allow love affairs to prosper, as it is also the lord of 7 th and 5 th house, but these affairs will not survive for long. You may have differences with your younger co-born. There are chances of some legal issues. It will also prove good with respect to your foes, as you will have a better edge over them and you will win over them. Those who are running Dasa of Saturn-Venus, Saturn-Sun, Saturn-Mars will be least affected.

  5. Leo : Saturn will be in your 4 th house and will be transiting in stars of Jupiter (5, 8), Saturn (6, 7), Mercury (2, 11). You may have a change of residence; health of elders may suffer temporarily. You may have misunderstandings with your family members. You may face speculative losses, differences in personal life and delay in legal matters. But, when Saturn will enter in Mercury star, it will give many good things, but that will happen in the last phase. As Mercury rules the most important houses 2 nd and 11 th , this period will be very good. Otherwise, when Saturn will be in Mercury sub, you will have many things happening in your favor. Your competitors will also enjoy a good time, as they will progress too in this period. Your wife may get a job or a better job change. This transit will favor you in the last phase. You may take some wrong decisions. Thus, think twice before reaching on any conclusion. Your younger brother may face delays and rifts in the family and elder brother may face legal matters or problems from workers. The natives who are running Dasa of Saturn-Venus, Mercury, Mars will be least affected.

  6. Virgo : 3rd , 6th , and 11 h houses are considered good for evil planets like Rahu , Saturn, Mars, etc. Saturn will give you relief in your 3 rd house from the personal issues you have been facing since last 2 and half years. Those in media will be most benefited by this transit if they are going through the Dasa of Saturn. Virgo gives many media persons . Though in star of Jupiter there will not be much happening for you, but when it will transit in its own star and then into star of Mercury, you will have real good happenings. But, the negative point is that Saturn rules 6 th house also. Thus, you will be prone to have a miscarriage, abortion, etc., problems in love matters, and speculative losses. So, do things carefully. You will have an edge over the other in legal matters. There will be lots of travels to do in the coming time. Those having 12 th csl as Saturn will do many foreign travels for short terms. You will have some ideological differences with your siblings. Your kids will become successful in their fields of study/work. They may go for a better job change. Your younger brother/sister will have afflicted personal lives, they may get lethargic and develop the syndrome of delaying today’s work to tomorrow. In a later phase, your mother-in-law will cause problems in your family. Natives running Dasa of Saturn-Moon, Mercury, Venus will be least affected.

  7. Libra : After a long time, you will finally get the things rolling. Separation, change of place, bad luck may happen to you. Financial losses and wrong decisions will take you aback. Saturn rules 4 th and 5 th houses, which are the houses of gain of opponent and his Karma Sthana (tenth house). Thus, instead of you getting the benefit, they will have a better time. Obviously, it will depend upon their charts too. Second house is the house of “end of marriage” as per KP, reader IV; and also the house to judge for second marriage, same book. As it is the 8 th house from 7 th house, people having a bad time in personal life will now finally say bye to each other legally, as long as Saturn transits in Jupiter star. After that, it will go in its own star and will be good for your kids, religious practices, etc. You will see bad health of your parents. There will be losses to your father-in-law. He may be hospitalized. Romance will bloom in your lives; you may find a life-partner. Health and education of your kids will be fine and prospering. Your mother may have financial gains. When Saturn will transit in Mercury star, your father may face chronic state of health. This transit will be good for your elder brother/sister. For your younger brother, it may give losses and increased expenses. Those who are going through the Dasa of Saturn-Moon, Sun will be least affected.

  8. Scorpio : Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury all rules more or less good houses. Thus, this transit will be good except a few things. You will have financial gains, romance, long term affairs, speculative gains, success, you will outcompete others, and dominate enemies. Many of your wishes will get fulfilled in the upcoming time, if you are going through the Dasa of Saturn or if it is connected with your Dasa lord in some or other way by occupation of star. There are chances of getting a partner of other religion. Those who are married may face some small disturbances in their married life as Saturn will bestow its own effect too apart from its stellar significations. Your relations with your brothers/sisters will get better, your mother may get promoted in her job or her business venture will become successful. Your father may have some problems in his professional life. Those running Saturn-Sun, Moon, Jupiter Dasa will have the best of it.

  1. Sagittarius : There will be increased expenses; you may move away from home. There will be sudden obstacles in your path to success. You may suffer from bad health. Defamation also cannot be ruled out. Some of you may get the punishment. Your personal life may suffer. There will be a lot of travels, which may prove wasteful. You may have eye and throat problems. Your younger brother will become popular; your mother will enjoy gains from speculation. Your father may have domestic disturbances. Your spouse may have a better job change. She may also have some troubles from her maternal family. Your family will be supportive toward you. Those running Saturn–Sun, Venus, Jupiter will have a better time of this transit.

  2. Capricorn : Your ascendant lord is transiting to 11 th house of gains. It is the best phase for you if you are running Dasa of Saturn. You will make new friends, works will get accomplished earlier than expected. Your fame will rise to new heights. You will become the centre of attraction in your circle, if Saturn is not connected to your 12 th or 8 th house at star or sub level. If Saturn is connected with 8 th house, all will be in vain. There could be illness to your mother. Your father will have good time. You will see your wife spending a lot. Positive news will come in legal matters. You will have good relations with your seniors. There will be birth of a baby to your younger brother. You will amass huge wealth, as per your social stature. Natives running Saturn-Moon, Sun, Jupiter will not have the best of this transit.

  3. Aquarius : Since many things have been pending for you, now your good time will begin. But, if Saturn is a significator of 8 th or 12 th house, not much will happen. You will rise in your profession, there will be better job opportunities, you will become famous in your circle. The coming 5 years will prove life changing for you, if Saturn Dasa is going on and not connected with negative houses. Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are all good planets for you. If there is a personal crunch going on, you will see it ending in a better way during this transit. You may have an affair with an elderly woman. It will not last for long until and unless it gets some external support. Irrespective of the ongoing Antaras, if Saturn Dasa is on, you will have many benefits in the coming 4-5 years. Just be patient, as Saturn also rules your 12 th house. So, don’t over expect, and don’t be in a hurry.

  4. Pisces : If Saturn Dasa has just begun, lot of good things are waiting for you. Though Saturn is the 12 th lord, but as per sage Parasara, the 12 th lords give the result of their other signs, which in your case becomes 11 th house. You will have good gains and there are chances that you may become the consultant for a famous personality or may have friendship with a person who will guide you through. There will be many long distance travels, pilgrimages to watery areas during this period. Purchase of house is also there, new vehicle may also come. Rich natives may contribute in construction of a temple. Personal life will also get smooth in the last phase.

By Acharya Raman

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