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Serpents & Astrology: Secret To Win Rahu-Ketu’s Heart Revealed!

Author: Nitin Datta | Last Updated: Mon 5 May 2014 4:21:48 PM

Astrology, Serpents, Serpent worship and astrology, Serpent worship

Do you want to transform all the bad effects of Rahu and Ketu of your birth chart into blessings? It is possible, by worshiping Serpents. Know how to gain their endless blessings and prosperity in life by our astrologer Nitin Datta, before the transit of Rahu and Ketu in 2014.

Serpents have been in existence since a very long time in our history, literature and stories/legends. They appear very terrifying and scary, by their very sight. They can be very deadly, if provoked. At the same point of time, these serpents gained much importance in our worship and astrology.

It is a very common sight to see a snake in Lord Shiva’s neck and Lord Vishnu resting in the lap of Shri Adi Sesha (the King of Serpents). The worship offered to these unique creatures is known to deliver the same graceful results, as the worship offered to other deities does. The following list enumerates the importance and the dignified position that these serpents have commanded in our worship for a long time now.

  • Lord Shiva adorns Shri Nagaraja Vasuki, as a necklace in his neck.
  • Lord Vishnu rests on the coiled bed of Shri Adi Sesha.
  • The Samudra Manthan had Lord Shri Nagaraja Vasuki as the Mathani.
  • Legendary Bheem (Mahabharata) was delivered the strength of 100 elephants by the grace of Naags in the etherworld.
  • Lord Shri Kaal Bhairav Nath adorns the serpents as his Yagyopaveet/Janeu ( Vyal Yagya Sutra Mindu Shekharam Kripakaran).
  • Lakshman Ji and Lord Balarama was an incarnation of Shri Adi Sesha with the Rama Avatara and Krishna Avatara, respectively.
  • Lord Shri Krishna conquered the Kaliya Nag in Vrindavan.
  • Shri Adi Sesha is the one holding the weight of entire earth on his hood.
  • Padmanabha is believed to be the guardian snake of the South India.
  • Rahu and Ketu are two shadowy planets in Astrology, representing the head of the snake (Rahu) and tail of the snake (Ketu).

The above list illustrates the role and respect of serpents in our worship and subsequently in astrology too. Even in astrology, any planet conjunct with Rahu gets poisoned and its significations take a bad hit. Sun-Rahu & Moon-Rahu form Grahan Yoga, Venus-Rahu forms Kalatra Dosha, Mars-Rahu forms Bhartari Dosha, so hence so forth.

The twelve major types of Kaal Sarp Dosha i.e. Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhpal, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkotak, Shankachood, Ghatak, Vishodhan, and Sheshnag are formed by the role of Rahu/Ketu only.

The idea is not to create havoc in anyone’s mind here. We have seen that our chief deities like Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu have adorned serpents and guided our senses to worship them, to gain blessings, prosperity, peace and protection. The worship offered to serpents pacifies Rahu and Ketu in a birth horoscope and the negative energies/influences caused by these planets transform into blessings. The idea is to convert one’s weakness in the horoscope into strength.

No one can evade the influence of Rahu and Ketu in his/her horoscope, so it is wise to seek their blessings by way of worship and make one’s life peaceful and gradually blissful. The worship to higher deities should be accompanied by little worship to these divine beings too.

This year, Rahu & Ketu are transiting to Virgo and Pisces (respectively) on 12/07/14 at 20:42 p.m.. They would be occupying this position, for a period of eighteen months. The transit is round the corner, so better start worshiping them.

Stay Blessed!

By Nitin Datta

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