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Will Vijay Mallya Repay All Loans - Astrological analysis

Author: - | Last Updated: Wed 6 Apr 2016 6:13:34 PM

Vijay Mallya has always been a famous businessman; always surrounded with controversies. As we all know that this time it is something big because many people are troubled of his loans (including himself). Let’s see what our expert Astrologer VGR Pavan has to say about him.

I got a doubt while surfing in internet whether this giant business man, drowned in debts will able to repay loans or not? I took random horoscope for the moment as follows:

According to KP, one will repay loan if 12th sub-lord is direct in motion and connected with 5, 8, and 12 houses. Saturn denotes repayment of lesser amount, whereas Mercury stands for payment in instalments. Venus denotes discussions, whereas Jupiter for full repayment.

In this horoscope, 12th sub lord is Mercury. He is in 5th house in own star and sub-division of Venus. Venus again in the star of Jupiter (retro) in 10th house! Therefore, Mercury is connected with 5th (occupation), 8th (Venus), 10th (through Jupiter), and 12th (Ownership).

Hence, Mercury is pointing for friendly environment in discussions with Banks because of signification of Venus. Jupiter rules 6th house and placed in 10th house, which denotes success but his retrograde motion may not give advantage this time. In spite of so-called political “support”, he may have to pay in instalments (Mercury). Mercury denotes 9 (12th house to 10th house of business) and 12th (house of loss). Therefore, he may have to lose ownership over his business in the process of repayment.

Combination of Jupiter and Rahu in 10th house indicates that he may try all possible ways of “legal” guarding in this matter, which may be of minor benefit only. As per the horoscope, Saturn-Sun period will be till Nov. 2016; later, Saturn-Moon period till Jun. 2018. He may have “safe” position during the 11th lord Sun period because he is in the sub of Rahu connected with 10-11 houses. Moon in Ascendant in the star of Saturn and sub of Sun, there may be a threat from govt. during this period, as Sun is posited in the star of Saturn in Ascendant.

Here, interesting point is that Saturn is the lord of 10th house counted from 7th house, which indicates gains to opponent. Hence, planets signifying these houses at sub-level will cause troubles to him. That is the postulation of Prof. KSK. Therefore, Moon in the sub of Sun may cause trouble through Govt. indicated by Sun. Note that Dasa lord Saturn is in the sub of Moon. Therefore, significant events happen during Moon sub-periods. He may face legal charges, as Moon is with Mars lord of the 7th house.

By all means, the sub period of Rahu, who denotes 1-4-5 houses and aspected by Venus lord of the 8-12 houses, is indicating loss and charges during Venus periods. I am writing this article with Mars, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter as ruling planets. Rahu denotes Jupiter; hence, powerful than the later. All these happen to be strong significators for 4-5-8-12 houses at sub-level. Therefore, Saturn-Mars-Rahu period and Saturn-Rahu-Venus period that rules between Jul-Sep 2018 and May-Nov 2021 are against Mr. Vijay Malya. He has to pay lesser amounts as “adjustments” towards his loans that too in instalments.

This is only an educated article out of academic interest without any prejudice on my part. Hope readers can understand my intention.

By Astrologer VGR Pavan

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